The Circadian Diet

Sara Ducey

November 18,2001 Show

MetroTalk with Jerry Phillips




Circadian Rhythm

Humans and other living creatures undergo rhythmic changes in their behavior and chemistry. These biological rhythms can be measured in body temperature, blood pressure, mental alertness, hormone and neurotransmitter production, physical strength, aerobic capacity, and countless other body functions.

The rhythms are CIRCADIAN – a word derived from the Latin for "about (circa) and "day" (dian.)

These rhythms are arranged sequentially.

Numerous experiments have shown that when left to run freely, human circadian rhythms run longer that twenty-four hours.

They can and must be regularly RESET to stay in harmony with the earth’s cycle.

Timegivers, or cues, such as light, food and social stimulation reset your body clock every day.

The Ten Steps of the Circadian Prescription:

  1. Follow the Circadian Diet
    1. Consume high protein, low carbohydrate meals at breakfast and lunch;
    2. Isolate carbohydrate consumption to evening hours – dinner and bedtime snacks.
  2. If you are insulin resistant, adhere particularly closely to the Circadian Diet;
  3. Excess alcohol and caffeine interfere with circadian rhythm;
    1. Your body is best able to detoxify alcohol in the early evening. Do not drink alcohol after 10 p.m.
    2. Avoid caffeine except at around 4 p.m.
  4. Stay away from diet drinks because they send a false signal to your body;
  5. Get plenty of full spectrum sunlight in you eyes and on some part of your skin every day;
  6. Establish a regular time for going to bed at night and getting up in the morning and get sufficient sleep every night, preferably during the natural period of darkness between sundown and sunrise.
  7. Learn to breathe with your diaphragm;
  8. Exercise at the same time every day – rhythmic activity is best;
  9. Work out to music;
  10. Meditate daily; use visualization to help heal from illness.


"You really can’t take control of your health without believing that your health is to some extent under your control…" Sidney MacDonald


The Circadian Prescription

© Sidney MacDonald Baker

Berkley Publishing Group, New York, NY.

ISBN 0-399-52665-x